Akashic Records Revelations

Let’s dive into the Akasha Field
and connect to your specific
Akashic Records. 
We’ll meet your A.R. guides, answer your questions, learn about your lessons, raise your vibration and heal!
We’ll eliminate limiting contracts, oaths and agreements, and give you guidance and enlightening information. 
You’ll leave with a great take away
(or two or three) and a wonderful connection
to your special “aha” moments!
We’ll ask your personal Akashic guides questions and I will interreact with both you
and your guides as information and
answers are received.
Usually the guides have a good sense of humour, so it’s okay to enjoy this time together and have some fun along the way!

See the YouTube video of this unique clearing and healing.

It’s time for a soul detox!

* Messages and stimuli of negative influences for this and previous lifetimes can be like a poison that infiltrates your soul.

*  This causes you to become physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained.

*  Identify your poisons and detoxify your soul.

*  Be on the road to becoming a healthier you
Mind, Body and Soul.

See the YouTube video for this
unique perspective and opportunity.


You are here for a reason

* When you know your soul’s purpose, you’re happy with your life. 

* You are here for
a reason. You have a
true objective. 

* Your soul’s purpose is the mission you gave yourself for life on earth.

* Understand yourself
on a different and
deeper level.

Check out these Akashic Records ideas.      No opt in required.
          Cleansing Your Soul                                              My Soul’s Purpose