A. Einstein

What Are You Aligning To?

From the course manual for Whole Harmonized Healing #1


Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.

Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality.

~ Albert Einstein


There’s a Difference Between Alignment and Vibration

…specifically you being in harmony or harmonized with that vibration.

 What Is Alignment?

Alignment is the level of connection between you and your inner being.  The more you are in alignment,

  • the more synchronicities you experience,
  • the stronger your intuition gets,
  • the more you are in states of ease and flow.

NOTE: Alignment does not define manifestation.  Vibration does.

In order for manifestation to occur, you also need to be a vibrational match to that thing.  Being happy is like plugging in the lamp – you’ve got power and connection, but the light bulb has yet to be lit up.  It’s like being happy without having the money or thing that you want.  On the other hand, you can be a vibrational match you have a lot of money, but you are not happy as there is no alignment going on within.  You need both – alignment and being a vibrational match in order to have that balance, in this case, of being happy and having money; of being plugged in and having the light turned on.

What Is Vibration?

Just like tuning to a particular radio or TV station, you too transmit and receive frequencies.  When you act as a frequency translator, you are translating the vibration frequency of your desire into an entire physical reality experience.

The frequency and vibration that you tune into and are emitting, is what defines your physical reality … not just being in alignment with what you want or want to express or want to experience.  Your level of alignment does not define your manifestation.  Your vibrational frequency defines your manifestation.

How do you get into alignment?

To align means to bring into cooperation or agreement with something; to adjust and be lined up with it.  We benefit most when we create high levels of stable and consistent alignment (not infrequent alignment that needs to be adjusted every time we are no longer harmonious with it.)

It’s best if we make alignment easy.  How? 

  • Deal with what brings you out of alignment all of the time (negative emotions and beliefs).
  • Release the emotional baggage.

The difference is best illustrated like this:

  • Doing practices to keep your boat afloat by holding it up in the air in an effort that it not be dragged under as the tide rises and
  • Cutting the short rope to that anchor and letting the boat naturally float regardless of the level of the water.

But How?

  • Step one – achieve a high and stable alignment. Align within by cutting the ties that hold you back and hold you down so that you are naturally free.
  • Step two, decide on your goals and desires and become a vibrational match to them.

You need to be in alignment and be a vibrational match to have what you want, to achieve your goal, to get what you desire.

You need to shift out of a negative mode into a positive state to align and connect with your inner being.  You do that by harmonizing all the stuff that weighs you down out of alignment.  The best way to figure out what’s in your field that is so heavy is to look at patterns in your circumstances.  Ie. Abandonment, powerless, stuck, and not good enough, to name a few.

[Continued in the next blog post.]

I look forward to continuing to cultivate our connection as we learn and grow together!

Whole Harmonized Healing Beta is taking place April 24-26, 2020 on line; you can attend from anywhere.  Watch the replays and master this modality with grace and ease.  Huge discounted beta price on for this round.  Sign up before April 18, 2020 to get in on this cutting edge work and become whole with your goal.    https://wholeheart8.com/whole-harmonized-healing/

Let’s do this together …..together is better!


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