From the course Whole Harmonized Healing #5
Your energy system is comprised of layers,
like the layers of your skin; in addition to the outer, middle, and deeper areas, there’s an invisible layer that exists (the microbiome) that we don’t see with our naked eyes.
In this technique, we address the areas of the body that we see as well as the layers and connections that we don’t.
We’ll start with what you can see: Your physical parts:
Your body: its 5 senses, its organs, glands, blood and bones, its systems, its microbiomes as well as the chemicals that reside therein.
Then, we’ll examine what we don’t see:
Those layers that reside for the most part, outside of our physical being. These are all connected to our sixth sense or intuition. We’ll align the etheric, emotional, mental, astral, etheric, celestial, and causal bodies, and our major chakras.
We’ll explore the layers in your mind:
Both conscious and subconscious areas where thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs reside plus what frustrates and facilitates your success.
Finally, we’ll take a peek at your ancestral lineage.
It’s amazing what you inherit into your RNA and DNA!
The end result is you being fully aligned with your inner being, all physical and non-physical layers of you and your desire.
You become whole with your goal!
I look forward to continuing to cultivate our connection as we learn and grow together!
Let’s do this together …..together is better!
Note: this course is full and may not be offered again.