Quantum Healing Energy Transmissions
Quantum Healing Frequencies is an intelligent quantum energy system
that scans your personal energy fields.
Your unique needs are examined, and specific unique targeted identified frequencies are then channeled through to your subconscious mind and chakras.
All parts of your being are bathed in the rejuvenating Divine energies of
love, light, healing, and abundance.
A unique amalgamation of Quantum Healing Frequencies, Akashic Records Energies,
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Relief Beyond Belief, Spiritual Restructuring,
Awakening Dynamics, Theta Brain Wave forces, Pendulum Readings, the best of select healing modalities, and what ever else Source and your own guides send you, are transmitted daily.
Your being also will be releasing physical symptoms, damaging emotions, beliefs, patterns,
limiting grids, generational accepted burdens, incarnated lessons and memories,
adverse energies and entities, all dramatic hurtful and destructive points of origins,
and all emfs, in, on, and surrounding, that do not support or serve you.
It is one of the most effective methods designed to discover and release
emotional ruptures, behaviours, limiting beliefs, and repressed emotions
that contribute to disharmony in your body, mind and soul.
I’ll ask to have cleared any programs that are set in depth, deeply rooted
from your past, present, future, or parallel lifetimes,
that limit or no longer serve your needs.
I’ll instruct for the release of all beliefs, perceptions, and judgements that limit you
from being worthy, happy, healthy, nourished, respected, wealthy, and lovable
every day in every way, especially by those who matter to you most.
Many participants have declared that these potent distant healing transmissions have helped heal pain, illness, anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, job loss, money,
a variety of relationship issues, and more.
The energy works on all levels:
physical, mental, emotional, energetic, intuitive, dream, and quantum levels.
You can live anywhere in the world to receive these powerful energies.
If you want to feel and behave differently, live the life you desire,
and achieve the goals you most want to accomplish,
then you can most easily start the change with what’s currently going on energetically.
Address the sabotaging memories, beliefs, behaviours, circumstances, and outside forces
from your past and present to get the wheels into forward motion towards your desired outcome.
Having positive, supportive, healing, and empowering energies that gently guide you
to your next best steps is a foundational piece to your successful healing journey.
Downloads which your higher-self accepts helps you get unstuck from overthinking and analysis paralysis. You can have greater health, better relationships, achieve greater success and receive the guidance you seek so you can have what you want, all in a non-invasive way that supports you.
As participants allow in these healing energies, they gain deeper mastery of their
mental, emotional and spiritual selves in all of their layers.
They grow and learn how to use their new energies and skills to make the important impacts
in their lives that they’ve intended for years!
What are your desires? What challenges keep you locked or limited?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to receive accelerated shifts
for a better, abundant, happier life?
Does everyone who works with an energy healer get success
immediately after a session?
Probably not. But what does everyone who
works with an authentic energy healer actually do?
They have extreme amounts of confidence in Source and who Source led them to.
Can you find me anyone who had success in attaining their goals
with an authentic energy healer who didn’t
have confidence in Source and believe that it was possible for them?
Quantum Healing Energies is a best match
and will create desired results for people struggling with life’s curveballs.
People who are:
- Seeking support while maintaining
their sovereignty - Discovering that a lack of confidence
is tied to a lack of trust in self
and now wish to build self-trust
AND self-confidence - Wanting to explore new avenues without yet expending precious time or energy
- Yearning to try something different
that is proven to work
- Adjusting their feelings and memories of B.A.A.D.D. relationships
(Betrayed, Abused, Abandoned,
Divorced, Died) - Passionate about personal growth
and self-expression - Wanting to feel worthy without relying on the approval of others
- Seeking sovereignty by no longer rejecting parts of themselves
- Looking for a gateway
into healing energy work
but are not sure what to try - Ready to try a new approach
to their old problems
It’s often the little daily actions we take towards our growth
that will guide us to the most profound transformations.
Small steps create a ripple effect, leading to big revolutions over time.
Quantum Healing Energy Transmissions is one small step
which results in vast transformation for you!
Many curious participants get started with a one-month session before jumping into the monthly membership. They soon realize that there is something missing after they let that trial month slip by and re-sign up when they realize the difference that this unique energetic support has provided them.
I have participants who have remained with me since its inception two years ago. One woman pays for herself, her grandchildren, her own children and their spouses!
Crystal Dicus:
I do have to admit that my neck and back feel better.
I get bouts of pain for whatever reason in my neck and back but
since the healing transmissions the pain doesn’t stay as long.
I am able to work through it instead of the pain consuming me.
My son needs that one…
But you make it accessible for all and that’s beautiful.
Megan Kelley
Wow! Thank you!
Another level of freedom is opening up for me.
I now know that holding in my emotions leads to dis-ease.
Benefits include:
- Specially blended frequencies are sent to support your healing journey.
- All that does not belong to you/is not doing you any good is released.
- Unique energies intended for your highest and best outcome are transmitted to achieve your goals every single day.
* See that outcome in your mind, and sense how you feel now that it
has happened (even though it is just now in the process of it happening).
* Keep a positive mind attitude that this process is the start of great things to come.
* Believe that the end result is on its way to you.
It may arrive through other people or events,
but this is the seed that starts it all.
*It’s not a “magic wand” – not a “one and done” thing
yet miracles have happened.
It’s $44/month.
That’s less than $1.50 a day for a healing energy session
being sent out to you each and every single day.
That’s way less than a small coffee a day!
(A regular session with me is $197.)
BONUS 1: Declarations for Receiving to start you off on the right foot.
BONUS 2: A helpful support document to assist you in getting the most out of your healing energy transmissions. It’s full of tips and things that you can do for yourself that will make these transmissions even more powerful and supportive.
SURPRISE BONUS: As awarenesses of new energies come in, they are added into the mix to support the new demands on people’s lives. This program is ever growing and evolving along with you and the cost remains the same.
No wonder this is one of the most popular choices!
Your emotions are very important as the primary way you feel into the world, get information from it and form perceptions.
When your feelings and your nervous system are aligned to your goals, they will support you in taking the right action. When you aren’t aligned to your desires, no amount of internal or external pressure is going to make it manifest into your world.
When some part of you feels it isn’t safe to move forward, your past experiences, beliefs, and patterns can cause your nervous system to block manifestation. Grounded in your past and present perceptions, whether you are in actual or perceived danger, a lack of safety will stifle your progress, slow down opportunities, and make life more difficult to navigate.
When your being feels that you are ready, willing, able, feel safe, secure, and protected, and have clarity for removal of all chords, contracts, anchors, limitations, repressed memories, traumas, subconscious imprinting and more, it will regulate your nervous system.
Any false perceptions dissolve and shift, and you step into effortless manifestation,
not manifestation without work, but manifestation without resistance.
With this shift, you feel called to take that right action that leads you to attract more of your hopes, dreams, desires, and outcomes. The information you get is more accurate and relevant to you.
This causes your performance and results to come into fruition.
You become more magnetic, uplevel, expand your awareness to the information coming your way, and increase your capacity to be in greater universal flow.
Your being basically increases its state of readiness to pursue and achieve what it desires
because there is internal alignment between your desires and information from the outside world,
so you know exactly how to leverage it to reach your goals.
You naturally become a match to your desires.